Priyabrat receives SERB travel award for attending TurboExpo 2024

Priyabrat was selected for the DST-SERB international travel support scheme for attending ASME TurboExpo 2024, held at London (UK). He presented the results of a collaborative study aimed at non-invasive identification of recirculation zones from experimental images of a trapped vortex combustor.

Priyabrat was selected for the DST-SERB international travel support scheme for attending ASME TurboExpo 2024, held at London (UK). He presented the results of a study conducted in collaboration with researchers from the Departments of Computational and Data Sciences, and Mechanical Engineering at IISc. It was the outcome of a multidisciplinary effort comprising simulations, experiments and machine learning for non-invasively identifying recirculation zones from experimental images of trapped vortex combustors. State-of-the art vision transformer models were used to demonstrate superior performance compared to generative adversarial networks. For more details:
