Shubham was awarded the SIAM Student Travel Award and the ODAA Student Travel Grant for attending SIAM-CSE 2023

Congratulations to Shubham for receiving Student Travel Awards by the Society for Industrial and Applied Mathematics (SIAM) and Office of Development and Alumni Affairs (ODAA), Indian Institute of Science (IISc) for attending the SIAM Conference of Computational Science and Engineering (CSE23), which was held between February 26th and March 3rd, 2023, at Amsterdam, the Netherlands.
The SIAM Conference on Computational Science and Engineering is a biennial conference facilitating in-depth technical discussions on a wide variety of major computational efforts on large-scale problems in science and engineering, foster the interdisciplinary culture required to meet these large-scale challenges, and promote the training of the next generation of computational scientists. Shubham’s work on “Stability analysis of the asynchronous discontinuous-Galerkin method” was selected for the oral presentation. To attend this conference, he received two travel grants, namely the SIAM Student Travel Award and the ODAA IISc Student Travel Grant.
The abstract of the presented work can be found at